Anna Gouldman

Welcome to the renewed me experience! 

Your home to heal, recharge, return to your power, calling and happiness!


Welcome to the Renewed Me!  My name is Anna Gouldman and I am a Holistic Wellness Coach, Life Strategist, Reiki Master, and Quantum Energy Alchemist. I create pathways for or busy career women and men, executives, professionals, leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries to move from surviving to thriving, drain stress out of their cells, triple energy, return to their power and calling, and step into happiness. I created the Renewed Me experience and programs for profound mind and body reset, needed to live a fulfilled life and to connect to your full potential. 

Modern times call for non-traditional solutions that are fast, effective and lasting, with no side effects. I deliver results within short few days and weeks, as opposed to months and years, for chronic and recurring issues that have kept you small and struggling for a long time. The journey to loving your life again starts with your permission and commitment to self. 

I offer intuitive and energetic support in navigating through any life transformations, chronic physical and emotional issues, stress detox and chronic fatigue from busy careers and hold space for healing and recharge with deep care, love and compassion. Schedule a discovery call to explore ways we can work together here.


I was born in Poland and I lived in the United Kingdom, and Germany before moving to the US and finding my home in San Francisco, California. I hold four advanced degrees including: B.S. in Sociology, M.A. in American Studies, M.S. in Accountancy and MBA from University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business. In my prior life I had a successful career working in finance, private equity, investment banking, and consulting.  While having had a rewarding career and picture perfect life, I experienced challenges of stress, chronic fatigue and anxiety from demanding jobs, working between 60 hours to 120 hours per week, and constant drive to achieve more, just to find myself burnt out, exhausted and unhappy. I was sick and tired of feeling like this, my soul was empty and my body was telling me to stop but I would not listen for a long time.
In search of healing and support for myself I was guided to discover my calling to heal others and share my healing and intuitive gifts, so that individuals do not have to suffer, and they feel supported while overcoming challenges from demanding careers, chronic fatigue and navigating through any health issues and life changes. 
I support clients via remote sessions globally. In my practice I use primarily quantum healing to deliver lasting results quickly, with many clients reporting breakthrough after only one session. I hold energetic containers for clients to heal from traumas, overcome life challenges and recover from career burnout and chronic fatigue. I offer safe space for a profound mind-body reset at cellular and DNA level, so my clients can raise vibrations and move into balance, clarity, vitality, radiance, happiness, joy, creativity and flow. 
While not working with clients to connect them to their full potential or meditating, I enjoy urban hiking, travelling, and walks with my nineteen years old dog - Maggie. Being a modern day Renaissance person I have wide interests and currently I am in the process of writing a book and exploring new creative pursuits. 


The primary modality I use in my practice is Quantum Energy Healing. I am a certified Reiki Master (Usui Ryoko tradition) and I have been practicing Reiki since 2017. I studied advanced quantum healing with Cyndi Dale and I developed my intuitive skills by studying clairvoyance with Debra Katz, PhD, so I can serve clients with intuitive coaching, at deeper level and with more impact. 

I incorporate intuitive insights into life coaching to discover life designs that support finding your balance, connecting to joy and happiness and achieving your personal and professional goals, both big and small.  Through my individualized support, I create safe energetic containers for clients to heal, drain stress from their cells, release any traumas, limiting beliefs and old programming holding them back in life. I offer safe space for deep relaxation and profound mind-body reset, so you can step into the new version of you with new clarity, resilience, vitality, focus, creativity, radiance and joy, overcome health and emotional challenges, and thrive.

I care deeply about my clients' success and I support clients with the healing of the following:

Over and over, I see life-changing, profound shifts resulting from working with me, that take my clients over the moon. And it is quick, easy and comes with deep care and support of energy containers I hold for my my clients. I love hearing my clients report how they moved from surviving to thriving quickly, as they connected to their full potential, claimed their power and happiness back, and how they fell in love with their lives again. It could be your story too. 


Hello dear! I am glad that you have arrived. 

You are at the right place in the right time in this moment. 

I look forward to working with you and supporting in your healing and renewal journey, so you can live your best live.


Phone: +1-415-424-1602



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QuantumX Life Transformation: private VIP 1:1 intensive 2-day in-person radical life transformation retreat in San Francisco, CA to detox and upgrade your life and connect you to your happiness, purpose, power and full potential, so you can fall in love with your life again. Please book a complementary 15 min call for more info:

QuantumX Life Recharge: private VIP 1:1 intensive 2-day online radical life reset to detox and upgrade your life and connect you to your happiness, purpose, power and full potential, so you can fall in love with your life again, from comfort of your home. Please book a complementary 15 min call for more info:

QuantumX Stress Relief: 45 mins instant stress relief session to rewire and drain stress out of your cells, so you can step into vitality, resilience, sense of calm, productivity, creativity and joy, with lasting results. Schedule here: 

15 Mins Discovery Call: complementary - please use this link to schedule:


"Anna is a gifted healer and fantastic to work with. She is compassionate and professional, with laser sharp ability to focus on the root of the problem beyond just scratching the surface. I was suffering from stress and anxiety from being burnt out at work and never being able to fully relax, in constant fight and flight mode. Reiki and quantum healing sessions allowed for deep and peaceful relaxation that was much needed. I became more grounded and resilient. My life shifted with small miracles and I became more clear on my intentions to invite more happiness and joy in my life." 



"Anna is a powerful healer and coach. This really works. After just one quantum healing and intuitive coaching session I finally got a full night of restful, restorative sleep and woke up energized after years of not being able to ever fully relax and waking up tired every day.  My productivity at work has increased, and I have more energy to focus on new projects. I no longer feel drained and stressed. I feel like I have been reborn.  I am grounded and happy. I set up healthy boundaries in my life to allow for more wellness and self-care."



"I found Anna through word of mouth recommendation. Her approach is refreshing and she is lovely to work with. Quantum energy healing was such a powerful experience of feeling supported and surrounded by love and compassion. The added bonus is that it works fast. I was going through life changes and needed a container to hold me safe through difficult times while healing from the past and navigating towards new milestones."


Liz D. 

"Anna,  you are nothing short of amazing!! Thank you soo much for your incredible healing!  Having faced so much adversity with multiple cancers, and a body riddled with tumours, it was only natural that I had created such a negative and horrible story in my mind at times. But whatever you did, on that day when I was burning and literally on my knees, will stay in my memory forever. You are amazing. You are an angel. And I can never ever thank you enough for your incredible words of wisdom and healing powers. Because that’s exactly what you are. Powerful. I love you."


Chrissa V.

"I was exhausted, stressed and had a massive meeting coming up where I felt totally out of my depth, which meant I wasn’t sleeping well and that made everything worse. I showed up to the 30 minute session with Anna, and literally relaxed on my sofa whilst she took all the stress away using her Quantum X techniques. I literally did nothing and came out feeling awesome... and in fact the following days my brain felt calmer and more focused, it was like someone had switched off the stress button. It’s like instant stress relief without the Valium, wine or fitness regime. It’s the best 30 minutes I spent in my month. "


Laura C.

"I was really confused with life - really lost and at a crossroads between feeling like I have things figured out, and also an imposter at the same time on almost everything: life, love, work. I was really looking for some direction and understanding but I honestly didn’t know how to even put this to words. Anna was so patient in understanding me and meeting where I was at. I truly felt so heard and seen.

Then the work began. I went into this expecting yet *another* talk therapy session but it was such an amazing surprise how much more transformative this is. Anna was able to remove a lot of the tension that was holding me back from living my best life. The subtle bonds that often hold us back. She was guiding me back to a place of healing from past traumas and as silly as it sounds - giving me permission to step forward into my future and potential. Her work is so important and it really needs to be experienced to be understood."


Andy Q. 

"I did a (remote) one hour quantum healing session with Anna and it was awesome! Before we began, Anna helped me set my intentions for the session. She was super empathic and able really hear me. We were able to sort through my ramblings and articulate a clear objective for our session. During the actual quantum healing, Anna struck a great balance between speaking (giving instruction and telling me what she was doing) and allowing the silence to soothe me. I was very relaxed during the session and for the rest of the night, and I discovered that my mind was quieter in the days following as well. Some of what Anna said has been instrumental in driving reflection for this past year and setting intentions for the new year. Thank again Anna!"


Zach F. 

"I had an energy session with Anna that really made a difference for me. I had been feeling down and having trouble getting myself to socialize and be brave enough to start to meet new people after a long period of isolation. Anna addressed my concerns in such a direct and real way, yet kind. She connected with me fully and I felt safe and confident in her care. After the session, I noticed a new lightness as if I had been lifted in every cell. I went to a concert with a guy friend and after, we wandered around down town. Usually I would have been ready to go home. Instead we met up with another friend of his, talked at a bar and even danced. It was easy and fun. The feeling of lightheartedness has persisted. Also I notice I have a ton of energy which is a relief since I had been dealing with a lot of fatigue. While these symptoms could be attributed to different factors, it is the new way I feel inside that really touches me. As an energy medicine practitioner myself, it never ceases to amaze me what this work can do. Anna is a true healer and I feel blessed to share her company and benefit from her prodigious gifts. If you have a chance to work with her, do not hesitate."


Sita F. 

"I whole heartedly recommend quantum healing with Anna - especially if you’re a fellow highly intuitive/sensitive/empathic person. She is an absolute GEM and just has a way of connecting that’s deeply caring and efficient. I recently had my first session virtually and felt a strong connection immediately as she set up the space and was able to drop right in. The energy was already there flowing and I felt the subtle movement, shifts and clearings happening (while also getting lots of visuals) as we were in session and in waves over the following days! It gave me so much clarity within myself and a restored a sense of ease and vitality - looking forward to what unfolds from here! Thank you Anna!"


Priscilla H. 

"Did the first consultation session with Anna. It was very helpful to me as I was going through a difficult time in my life. Anna’s session helped me feel more relaxed and grounded. The clarity and perspective I gained from the session was very helpful to me as well."


Abby H.